Thursday, 15 December 2016


Godwin`s good mind for his school and the students in Nigeria, especially unizik okofia school of health sciences, has proven to have not been removed even after the fact that he is no longer participating for SAG election.  

Using newsfaze as a medium, he decides to open the eyes of students towards what has been happening in our country politically and how it can be changed. 

Godwin`s words
“In the whole saga going on in the SAG , I wish to say this, it is very ridiculous for a man to do something repeatedly the same way and expect a different result. Since I was little, it has always been said that we are the leaders of tomorrow, now is the time for us to assume leadership but of what difference will our leadership make from that of the old if we do not make a difference.

Godwin speaking in a leadership summit 1

Godwin speaking in a leadership summit 2
In Nigeria, we see a political aspirant go ahead buying gifts for the masses because he wants them to vote for him and at the end of the day, they would vote for him not because of his credibility and competence but in reciprocity of his gifts.   This cause the masses to have biased mind , hence, endorsing the wrong person.  This has been the trend of the old leaders, especially here in Nigeria, yet I still see the youths that aspire to be leaders follow the same trend, so I asked  ‘ is this how we are going to make the difference?’.

     If this trend of old leadership campaign continues, it would only remain the usual trend which I call “spend my money during campaign, embezzle to replenish my pocket during my tenure” .

   This is one of the reasons Nigeria is not making head-way.  Because when a person assumes into seat after spending, his first ambition for the next one year of his tenure, if not all his stay in the office, is to regain his money spent.   This will divert his attention from his sole duty as a leader. This is not criticism, this is a fact. Let’s look at the statistics, check the history of Nigeria, how many politicians after spending a huge amount of money during campaign does not work to replenish their pocket?

      I have been opportune to work with few politicians and what I witnessed, I wish to put in one statement, “spend huge and win, embezzle huge and leave”.

 In one of my CD messages titled “MESSAGE TO NIGERIANS”, I made it clear that Nigeria would emerge a great nation if we can make a difference, make a difference on how we cast our vote.

 Leadership is all about vision and not ambition. This should be made clear because if purpose is not defined, abuse is inevitable. 

     I want to let every student know that I relinquished my presidential ambition partly because I have seen a clash of personal and selfish ambitions which I wish to dissociate myself from because of my integrity and personality. Hence, I wish to play from a distance (I am a change agent).

 I also want to let every student in UNIZIK  okofia(Oakland) know that this is a time that we need to get involved and as well get concerned with what goes on in the Student Association Government(SAG) , else no result would been produced, no accountability and credibility. 

I wish to let the students know that next year is a political year in Anambra state and this simply implies more money in the pocket of the person that emerges the SAG president.  Therefore, I say to everyone, watch out for those of them that are desperate, throwing money around, buying food and gifts for the students just to get them compromised and biased . These are not the future leaders we look forward to, we look forward to those youths that are MAD (Make A Difference) in Nigeria and jettison the old way of politicking. Until the youths are MAD, we may never liberate Nigeria and Africa at large.

  Some of these aspirants are not coming out because they have a vision for the students, rather an ambition for themselves. Look out for these people. When you see them you will know. They are very desperate and they have no vision-statement for the students. We look forward to those future leaders who will assume political seats not because they throw money around but because they deserve and merit the seat and they are ready to create a dynamic change with positive vision.

      As election commences on the 22nd of December 2016, I urge all the students to make this one sacrifice and stay back to vote the person that they want to take-up the mantle of leadership. Else, it would be handled by few who will go on to do what they will. Hence, this will affect the students for the next one year.

   Therefore, to all the students, don’t vote out of compromise rather listen to the vision-statement of every aspirant and if it meets the students` need and satisfaction, then go on and vote. Thanks.” 

From his above speech, it is very true that Nigeria can become a better country politically. It starts from small , like school politics and then graduates to big. 

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